We will send you a shipping confirmation email when all or part of your order is shipped that will include the tracking number. You will be sent a shipping confirmation email with a tracking number for every shipment. You can also check the status of your order anytime by clicking on the Order Tracking link in the footer of every page on this site or by logging in to My Account and going to My Orders.
If your order includes several items, they may ship separately and at different times. So that we can deliver your purchases to you as efficiently as possible, items which are shipped from the same location are grouped together. Our shipping confirmation emails will let you know how much of your order has shipped.
There are three easy ways to track your order:
(ii) unsuitable weather conditions;
(iii) political disruptions, strikes, employee-lockouts, etc.;
(iv) acts of God such as floods, earthquakes, etc.; and
(v) other unforeseen circumstances.